Damen Alexander James ~
Born 9/4/12 @ 38wks 3days ~ Weighing 6lbs 12.8oz @ 21in long
Had the u/s Monday morning to re-check the fluid levels. they were at a 5 but Damen wasn't moving around a whole lot so the u/s tech let my mw know and the decided to start induction and got me checked into the room by 9:30am on Monday... They hooked me up to the machines and I was contracting regularly but not really close, pitocin was started at around 11am. didn't really start having painful contractions until around 10-11pm.. but once the started they didn't let up..at 1am when I wa checked I was only at 5cm and I ende up caving and getting Nubaine, which did absolutely NOTHING for the pain, it just made me tired and loopy.. Finally hit 9cm at around 6am and stayed 9-9.5 until the mw decided to push the last bit of cervix over Damen's head as I was pushing during a contraction at around 8:45am Tuesday... Damen was born at 9:30am and weighed in at 6lbs 12.8oz and was 21 inches long. He has a headful of hair and is nursing pretty good now
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