Tuesday, October 2, 2012

angel.stowe's Birth Story

Katherine "Katie" Louise ~
Born 9/29/2012 @ 25wks 4days ~ Weighing 1lb 3oz @ 12in long

I woke up Tuesday, September 25th with some cramping and pain in my back, and assumed I just needed to have a BM. I went to the bathroom and felt a gush.. when I wiped it was bloody. Went immediately to labor & delivery, where upon a cervical check showed I was dilating (doctor initially thought I was at 9cm, because I had a bulging sac, but I was really more at 3cm). I was admitted to the hospital and started on magnesium sulfate to stop labor. I stayed on the medicine for two days while they also gave me a steroid to help Katie's lungs develop once she got here. The "mag" as it was so referred to made me feel like my body was working at 20% efficiency. It took an extreme amount of effort to even turn in bed. I was taken off the medicine (I could only stay on it for two days maximum) Thursday morning and put on another (procardia) to keep any contractions at bay. It worked great until early Saturday morning, when I started having some powerful contractions in my abdomen and back. A cervical check showed that I was completely effaced and ready to push (the doctors said they couldn't even find my cervix). Minutes later I was in a room delivering Katie. I didn't plan on having an unmedicated delivery, but my body had its own ideas.

Katie has her daddy's dark hair and her mommy's long legs. We would appreciate your prayers as we begin this long, difficult journey.