Sunday, July 22, 2012

Toufayah's Birth Story!

Adam Joseph ~
Born 7/22/2012 @ 39wks 5days ~ Weighing 6lbs 11oz @ 19in long

 I was in labor for 21 hours...19 of which was was done naturally. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get my NUCB that I was hoping for, but it's okay. My contractions were excruciatingly painful, however they weren't effective enough at opening up my cervix, so I was stalled at 2, then 3 cm for FOREVER (it took 19 hours to get to a 4, by which time I was exhausted, so they told me they were going to start me on pitocin...that made the contractions unbearable for me, so I asked for an epi...I practically fell asleep while my body quickly dialated to a 10 in the next hour and a was heavenly LOL). I only had to push three times, OB had to cut an episotomy, and Adam was out and on my tummy!! I will never forget the moment I first saw him <3

Sunday, July 8, 2012

JessicaCT's Birth Story

Liam David ~
Born 7/8/12 @ 38wks 6days ~ Weighing 7lbs 7oz @ 21in long!

I started having contractions at 2 am. Took a shower at 5, water broke at 530 just as i stepped out of the shower. Contractions picked up fast and hard. My husband had our midwife on the phone, and she was on her way.( planned water home birth). Stepped in birth tub while it was filling up, had a couple more very painful contractions. Midwife arrived at 6 and by 6:11, our baby was born.
It was an intense and fast labor. My first took 18 hrs of labor in the hospital, with epidural. This was an amazing experience and I recommend a home birth to anyone.